Gum Hop Drop 3 Game

The entertainment continues with small strange creatures in the relaxation land. Unlike, the first two chapters, surprises added recreational vehicles in the adventure land, are awaiting for you, in the section. You can experience a fierce fight against your friend, in this game in which you can play together with your friends.

After the game is loaded, click on "PLAY" button. You can enter to the game, for single person use "PLAY" button and for twosome game, use "2PLAYER" button. You can initiated the game, by determining the option which you would like to play.

The Game Controls:

Routing: "ARROW" keys.

Routing: "DIRECTION" keys.

After you fail, you can change the physical appearance of your character, by clicking on "CREDITS" button founded on the score screen; and then, you can play the game again, by clicking on "PLAY AGAIN" button. Good luck to you!